Inflammation is the body’s natural mechanism to react to an infection or injury. Without inflammation, our bodies would not be able to process or function as they do. This is why many doctors and medical organizations back the facts that inflammation can be both helpful and harmful within our bodies.

Inflammation is not just one thing. Inflammation is often many things, or processes, happening in the body at one time. This could be different body systems, different organs, or completely different types of inflammation happening at the same time.

Inflammation is a local or systemic reaction from the internal cells in our immune system. Inflammations can vary throughout the body, depending on what types of cells are having the inflammatory response. Cells that line our blood vessels and cells that line our skin have similar inflammatory responses, so this type of reaction is noted as being ‘broad’ and can involve cells throughout the body.

Is inflammation bad? The short answer is no.

Inflammation is often the first sign that something in the body is “off,” or not working as it should be. Inflammation that is noticed and treated, usually finding the root cause, is not “bad.” Inflammation that is on-going, long lasting, or has no known cause can indeed be “bad” and cause many other problems throughout the body- including cancer.

Small “flare ups” of inflammation show us that our bodies are working and reacting to certain things to heal our issues. Chronic inflammation can be a sign of much more sinister issues and be more concerning for patients. Things like rheumatoid diseases, type 2 diabetes, and many types of cancer have been linked to long-time chronic inflammation.

Does inflammation always cause cancer? Absolutely not.

Inflammation can contribute to the development or uncontrolled growth of certain cancer cells. For those patients who are dealing with chronic issues like inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, the effects have shown to lead to higher diagnosis of colon cancers. Inflammation has also been directly linked to cancer spreading more easily throughout the body.

That said, there are also some types of inflammation that help to kill tumors. Immunotherapies work by attacking those cancer cells and helping to treat the cancer. Many major medical organizations and cancer research facilities are working tirelessly to better understand the direct links between inflammation and cancer. These studies range from the basics of inflammation and its effects on the cell, to tumor growth, to utilizing the inflammatory response to help fight off cancer cells.

Many researchers are now studying the response of T cells, which are the cells that take down germs and sometimes tumors that make us sick, and how they can be used to work with medical treatment. Studies with T cells and T cell therapies are happening all around the globe, in nearly every country with reputable cancer research.

Other labs and industries are studying the role of inflammation on specific types of cancers like lung, breast cancer, and testicular cancer. With recent advances in immunotherapy and research, many are hoping to know more about the direct effects of inflammation and cancer development in the years to come.

If you are struggling with chronic inflammation and have not yet seen your doctor, do not wait to make an appointment today. Early detection for any medical issue will ensure that you can get the best treatment, and gain control of your issues and life again.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institute of Health and Human Services